Board Committees

Executive Committee


Vice President



Chartered Organization Representative

The chartered organization representative is appointment by the Board of Directors and serves as the liaison and line of communication between the chartered organization’s board and the organization’s scouting units as well as the Boy Scouts of America and the  Girl Scouts of the USA.  The chartered organization representative would assume the same role with other youth groups the chartered organization may wish to support.  Means of communication and support may include, but are not limited too:

-Cub Scout Pack, Boy Scout Troop and Girl Scout Troop visitations

-Participation in BSA district and council task force

-Participation in Girl Scout task force as requested

Endowment Committee

Coordinated by a committee chair, the endowment committee provides dialogue and communication between the chartered organization and the holder of the BYF endowment, Racine Community Foundation.  This committee identifies and drafts grant proposals to be considered by the chartered organization and submits board approved grant proposals to the Racine Community Foundation for distribution per the grant guidelines

Fundraising Committee

Coordinated by a committee chair, the fundraising committee identifies, coordinates and administrates those fundraising alternatives which support the chartered organization’s financial responsibilities to the units it sponsors.  Fundraising alternatives may include:

-Facility rental

-Christmas wreath sales

-Community spaghetti dinner

-Partnership with Optimist Club

Nominations and Membership Committee

Coordinated by a committee chair, the nominations and membership committee is responsible for identifying and inviting parents / significant other adults of the Scouting units registered youth, to become participating members of the BYF organization.  From the membership and the community at large, the nominations and membership committee will make recommendations to the board the names of those individuals that should be considered for appointment to the chartered organizations board of directors.

Program Development Committee

Coordinated by a committee chair, the program development committee investigates the community’s need for additional youth programs and the chartered organization’s ability to sponsor the program.  The program vision may be a long-term commitment, seasonal program, or a single event occurrence.  Facility availability, leadership and quality program are key to the development of new youth programs.  Potential new youth programing may include:

-Explorer Scouts


Property and Grounds Committee

Coordinated by a committee chair, the property and grounds committee addresses ongoing facility maintenance and grounds care / preservation.  Registered Scouting unit leadership and the rental coordination team may provide this committee with insight into property and grounds concerns.  Tasks this committee may address include:

-Facility maintenance

-Lawn care

-Snow removal

-Annual facility and grounds clean-up

-Future construction projects

Public Relations

Coordinated by a committee chair, the public relations committee understands the importance of continued and timely informational updates to the Scouting units the organization sponsors as well as to the BSA district and council administration; Girl Scouts of the USA administrative bodies; and the Greater Racine community.  Avenues for improved communication may include:

-BYF website


-BYF Newsletter

-Community media

-BYF recognition event